
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm not giving you a discount because you threatened to do business elsewhere.

Someone just threatened to go to another store because I didn't have the one size of canvas she wanted in the thickness she wanted. [I have deep edge, but not regular].
She also told about how she really wanted to support the small neighborhood store, but If I wasn't going to have products it wasn't worth it to her.
I don't know that shes been in before. While I try to keep things stocked, I don't always have everything all the time. I have regular customers who say "I live in the neighborhood and I tend to be looking for x." or "I use a lot of x." And you know what, I try to get that item in, ether just to have on hand or as a special order for them.

I am very lucky and deal with so few unhappy shoppers, and rarely anyone even voicing opinions as this woman did. But it still irks me. After talking to her, I don't believe she will ever be happy about my inventory selection, no matter what.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The more we learn

This week I have learned that Facebook will not approve photos ads [that you pay for] the have text covering more than 20% of the image. In my case the main text is simple "35% off Golden Mediums". Unfortunately a photo of golden mediums also contains a lot of text, because the products are covered in helpful information.

I have also learned that if you are going to install track lighting, you should spring for the top of the line stuff. Also all of my bulbs are going bad at once. Grumble grumble.

If you call about ad placement the day before they go to print and they have space to fill you can get a really good price. On that note we will have a 1/4 pg, color ad in the Arvada Center spring magazine.

Friday, December 28, 2012

End of year update.

First, I would like to thank all who have supported me through the holiday season. It meant a lot to me.

We continue to have monthly growth. I just wish it was a little more substantial month to month.

Loves: Meeting new people and talking to people about their projects, art and pets. Everyone is doing something different and everyone is interesting.

Challenges: Making things go. Classes- what to have, and how to get people who are interested and to show up for them. Effective advertising ventures. Making contacts and getting business from Regis University students.

If you love us, or any of your local small business, show them by shopping there. Cash is the best support a business can have.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And So it's Begun

I am thinking that this is maybe the blog where I will talk about the ins and outs of starting a business and what I learn.

I have been thinking of things I should write down for a couple of months now. of course I cant remember a single one now that I am typing.

What have I learned, how have things gone... I don't intend to over share or whine here.

So, lets see....  printer ink is stupidly expensive.

I'm trying to figure out the fine points of if or how tax should be charged for classes.

I'm trying to figure out classes in general.

More places insist on check payment- thus making it harder to run up credit card debt, instead of depleting actual cash.

No matter how well you read through merchant account paperwork, you will always be surprised by a fee or two.

Books do and don't sell. Seriously reading through reviews on Amazon, has proven to be a good idea.

Employees are a blessing and a curse.

That's all for now... I'm sure I will have some deep thoughts on the subject at another time.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I have found a space!

I eagerly await my inventory to arrive.

Please join me for the grand opening on June 1st, during the First Friday Art Walk.

Where: 4383 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212
When: 6pm, Friday, June 1st.

Got the sign installed last week.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I received some bummer inducing news earlier this week, my application for Kickstarter was denied.

I have been debating about what to do. The reason behind a Kickstarter campaign was to allow the friends and family and random strangers to donate a few bucks, in a legitimate way. [Please don't hand me $3 cash, I will probably end up at a froyo shop.]

The Down Low:
I am opening a small art supplies store in the Tennyson Art District in Denver, CO. My dream is for this to be a warm, fun, community  friendly store, carrying student and professional grade art supplies. I plan to run classes for children through adults- think Painting With Your Pet, Graphic Novel Illustration or Macaroni Snow Flakes. I cant wait to participate in Tennyson First Friday shenanigans.

What I Need:
I need $63,000 to make this happen. That seems like a lot of money, and it is. But fear not, at this time I have raised $38,000 through a grant, gifts and a generous private loan. At this time I am researching SBA type loans.

How Your Contribution Helps:
SBA type loans have very high interest rates. The less I have to pay back, the easier it is for me to financially run a successful business.
The money collected will go toward working capital, fixtures, office equipment  like computers and printers, and inventory.
I have heard a lot of support from friends and family. People telling me that they would like to help me out- if you have $2 to donate, that's fantastic. If you have $100 to donate that's fantastic. If you are broke and want to send well wishes, I would love to hear from you!

If You Contribute:
$1- $25: A heaping spoon of gratitude and an invitation to our grand opening.
$26- $50: Store logo bumper sticker
$51- $75: 4 post cards designed for this project
$100 and up: 1 piece of original art work


You are making a contribution to ME. This is not a charity, or a non-profit. The money collected will go toward working capital, fixtures, office things like computers and printers, and inventory. A contribution does not make you a shareholder, or in anyway involved with the business. No money will be returned or payed back. You are not guaranteed anything, except the contribution "prizes" as stated above.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Updates 19 Jan 2012

Whats going on?

Good news, that's whats going on! I received word this week that I have been awarded a large grant that I applied for.
I am working on completing fundraising and securing a location. Believe it or not, its harder than it looks to find a space on Tennyson Street.

That is all for now, I hope to have more good news in the near future.
